How to Draw a Realistic Apple with Oil Pastels

Oil pastels are a versatile and expressive medium for creating realistic drawings. In this drawing tutorial, I’m going to show you how to draw a realistic apple using oil pastels with step by step.

Materials you will need:

β€’             Drawing paper πŸ‘‰ Buy Now

β€’             HB drawing pencil πŸ‘‰ Buy Now

β€’             An eraser πŸ‘‰ Buy Now

β€’             Oil pastels πŸ‘‰ Buy Now

β€’             A black charcoal pencil πŸ‘‰ Buy Now

Step 1: Sketch the Apple

Using the HB drawing pencil, lightly sketch the outline of the apple on the paper. You can use a circular object as a guide for the shape. Don’t worry about the details at this stage, just focus on getting the basic form.

Step 2: Apply the Base Colour

Using the pale yellow oil pastel, fill in the apple according to this drawing with a smooth and even layer of colour. This will be the base colour for the apple. You can use your finger or a tissue to blend the pastel and create a soft effect.

Step 3: Add the Highlights and Shadows

Using the scarlet oil pastel, add some strokes of colour to the areas where the light hits the apple. These will be the highlights. You can use your finger or a tissue to blend them with the base colour. Using the carmine oil pastel, add some strokes of colour to the areas where the apple is darker. These will be the shadows. You can use your finger or a tissue to blend them with the base colour.

Step 4: Add More Details

Using the russet oil pastel, add some more strokes of colour to create some texture and depth on the apple. You can use your finger or a tissue to blend them slightly with the other colours.

Using the raw umber oil pastel, add some more strokes of colour to create some darker spots and marks on the apple. You can use your finger or a tissue to blend them slightly with the other colours.

Step 5: Add the Stem

Using the russet & raw umber oil pastel, fill in the stem with a smooth layer of colour. You can use your finger or a tissue to blend it slightly.

Step 6: Add Contrast and Background

Using the black charcoal pencil, add some more details and contrast to the apple, stem. You can use it to create some sharper edges, darker shadows and finer lines.

Using the black oil pastel, fill in the background around the apple with a smooth layer of colour. You can use your finger or a tissue to blend it slightly.

And you’re done! You have created a realistic apple drawing with oil pastels. I hope you like this tutorial and learned something new.

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